Note: All files and folders uploaded to this system and older than
two weeks will be removed automatically.
Every time you Email download link, enter only one email address
in recipient field as there is unique download link per recipient.

Confidentiality Agreement

(1) All File transfer and account access activity is logged and
monitored regularly by the Perry Ellis MIS Department.
(2) Your use of the Data is strictly limited to that necessary for
services or work you are providing on the Project, and any other
terms that have been imposed on you as a condition of your
being allowed access to this web site by Perry Ellis International
(PEI). You have permission to transfer the Data to your
contractors, subcontractors, suppliers and consultants on the
Project ("Others") for their use in preparation of design,
submittals and in providing other services on the Project. You
agree to obligate the Others in writing to be bound to the terms
of this Access Agreement.
(3) You acknowledge anomalies and errors can be introduced into
the Data when it is downloaded, transferred or used in an
incompatible computer environment. By accessing, downloading
and/or using the Data, you acknowledge and accept the risks
associated with damage to hardware, software or computer
systems or networks related to any use of the Data. The Data is
being furnished "as is." You hereby release PEI from any
damages or losses of any kind, including, but not limited to,
damages or losses to property or persons, including injuries or
death, or economic losses, or any consequential, special, indirect
or incidental damages, arising out of the download, transfer or
use of the Data.
(4) PEI reserves the right to retain an archive copy of the Data,
which shall be transferred to and shall be conclusive proof and
govern in all disputes over the form or content of the Data
furnished to you.

Thank You

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